Highgrounds Wiki

Map abilities to colors and icons.

Don't bother for icons that are exactly what they say. In other words, don't mark "defense", but list "Pack" after "dogPack".


  • atk: reddish
  • def: bluish
  • pal: greenish (heal)
  • rec: orangish
  • neg: black
  • gld: yellow
  • cry: blue
  • wod: green
  • duo: purple (king)
  • wnd: grey
name color icon (if not by name)
arrow wnd Arrow
atkSquire atk Atk Squire
attack atk Attack
barbBerserk duo Duo Duo
barbKing duo King King
bloodRage duo Blood Rage
bolt atk Bolt
burnout neg Burnout
charity gld Charity
crystal cry Crystal
deathBolt atk Death Bolt
defense def Defense
dogPack atk Pack Pack
dormant neg Dormant
dragonQueen duo King King
drain wnd Drain
duoRaeus duo Duo Duo
duoRainer duo Duo Duo
duoRainer#2 duo Crystal Crystal
duoRandal duo Wound Wound
duoTydus duo Gold Gold
farmerKing duo King King
fighterKing duo King King
fireball wnd Fireball
flare wnd Flare
flourish atk Flourish
foxPack atk Pack Pack
frail neg Frail
frenzy atk Frenzy
gamble atk Gamble
gold gld Gold
golemShield def Golem Shield
golemSurge duo Duo Duo
greed gld Greed
guardian def Guardian
healing pal Healing
honor atk Honor
knightKing duo King King
knockout neg Knockout
matriarch rec Matriarch
paladin pal Healing Healing
protect def Protect
rampage atk Rampage
reaper neg Reaper
recruit rec Recruit
renegade neg Renegade
revenge atk Revenge
siege duo Siege
skelKing duo King King
smokeBomb def Smokebomb
spearhead atk Spearhead
spiritLord duo Duo Duo
steal duo Steal
stoneRam duo Stone Ram
stoneWall duo King King
taskmaster duo King King
tax gld Tax
totemfarm duo Crystal Crystal
toxic def Toxic
transform rec Transform
tribalDues gld Tribal Dues
tribalHex def Tribal Hex
vanguard duo King King
vanish neg Vanish
windfall#0 gld Windfall
windfall#1 cry Windfall
windfall#2 wod Windfall
wolfPack atk Pack Pack
wood wod Wood
wound wnd Wound
zealot duo Zealot